
We want your input! If you're considering joining any of the committees listed on this page, you can contact Chair Jeff Raymond or Vice Chair Regen Stahl.


Candidate Recruitment & Support

Identify potential candidates for local offices; train current and future candidates; publicize upcoming elections.

Precinct Delegates Recruitment & Support

Identify potential Precinct Delegates and train current and future Precinct Delegates.

Communications & Public Relations

Manage online presence; prepare press releases and advertisements; coordinate communications with State Party officials.

Education & Programming

Identify, schedule, and coordinate speakers for special lectures and major events.


Rapid Response

Develop resolutions and statements on behalf of the organization regarding urgent matters and breaking news in Michigan and the country.


Oversee any and all fundraising activities including major events as well as solicit general donations.


Coordinate activities to better engage underrepresented groups with county party activities.